Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Cup of Freedom

August, that time of the year when emotions are running high and every Pakistani feels patriotic. When we see the color green everywhere and it makes us all very proud. But since a couple of years amidst all that emotions, the spirit of independence somehow is losing its worth. Younger generation takes Independence Day more of as a holiday rather than a day which they should celebrate together to show love, unity & respect for Pakistan.

To bring the sense of pride in the younger generation for their country Tapal this year came up with a brilliant concept. By showing thoughts and emotions of people who have seen the time of partition, the way they value Pakistan & what freedom means to them Tapal has made the younger audience rethink of their actions and feelings regarding the country.

It has bought the kind of positivity that this time of the year needed the most.

Watch the video here 

#CupOfFreedom #Pakistan #14August #Tapal 

Tapal's Creative Billboard: Cup of Freedom

For as long as I can remember I have seen billboards hovering over all roads across the city. Our cars pass by them and hardly have we acknowledged them because they are the same as the brand’s TVC which we already have seen on our television screens a million times. But this time when I glanced at a billboard I was surprised pleasantly to see a very beautiful billboard with very creative concept.

A few days earlier from Independence Day Tapal Dandedar put up a billboard full of tea cups near Two Swords Karachi. At night the tea cups light up white and green and presented a beautiful picture of Pakistan’s flag. Kudos to the team for coming up with the concept.

Check out making of the billboard in this behind the scenes video :-

#CupOfFreedom #Tapal #Pakistan #14August